Make Snow Angels on a Glacier
Fields of blue and white
Stretch into the horizon
Cradled by angels.
Make snow angels on a glacier.
“Serge, you’re an adventurous traveler, right? Virgin just started a new route up to Alaska, wanna go? Here’s the catch, I just started a new job so I can only go for the weekend. As in 48 hours. You’re one of the few bastards I know crazy enough to do something like this on a whim.”
“Sure, why not?”
…and that’s how I found myself in Alaska for 48 hours. What do you do when you get to Anchorage past midnight? Head over to Bernie’s Bungalow Lounge of course. It’s one of the few places that will stay open past midnight and is a congregation spot for locals. It’s also one of the few bars I’ve been to that will serve food until closing. Score. Our first meal in Alaska: some righteous nachos and calamari. Plus the bartender, Karate, is cool peeps. Yes, her name is Karate. Her dad wanted to name her Cucumber. True story. Now I can honestly say I know Karate. Off to an awesome start in Alaska.
The next day we drove down to Prince William Sound in Whittier for a 26 glacier cruise. It wasn’t until we left Anchorage that we started to see the Alaska from the brochures. Beautiful trees, fresh air and stunning views. Now this is the Alaska I paid for. I figured that after the 5th or 6th glacier the cruise would get a bit monotonous but was I wrong.
It’s hard to be blasé seeing a glacier that’s 45 miles long. It’s also pretty amazing to see a glacier calving from up close. That never seems to get old.
We didn’t see 26 glaciers though. I counted.
Sunday had us in quaint Talkeetna, the town that inspired the show, Northern Exposure. A couple nice beers at Denali Brewing Company, then we were off to board our flight to buzz by Mt. McKinley. The weather cooperated with us just long enough to give us stunning views of the southern and northern sides of Mt. McKinley.
To cap off our little excursion we landed on Pika Glacier. The sun was shining and it was warm enough we could have been out there in just a t-shirt. To be on the middle of this massive sheet of ice was extremely peaceful and awe inspiring.
Then it was time to check something off from my List: Make snow angels on a glacier.
All in all, I’d say it was a perfect introduction to this magnificent place. We had a memorable 48 hours in Alaska but it never felt like we were rushed because we didn’t feel compelled to cram so much in a weekend just for the sake of doing so. Shouts to my boy, Ryan, for being an awesome travel buddy and partner-in-crime. 48 hours in Alaska clearly isn’t enough time to explore everything Alaska has to offer. I’m looking forward to coming back and seeing much, much more. Maybe I’ll come back to check off “stand under a waterfall” from my List. Then again, maybe I’ll save that for somewhere a bit warmer. That glacial runoff water is damned cold.